
My Daily Dose of Dementia

My Dad’s Aged Care home is a place that takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Each day I could be sad, frustrated, shocked, challenged, inspired, mad, happy, excited, overwhelmed and so much more. People pass away each week, others lose more of their memory, and a lotta sad stuff happens. But what you may not know is a lotta funny stuff happens each day, and I am in stitches most of the time. I thought I would share some of the conversations I have and hear each day: *Martha…

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Good to Great – Jim Collins

  Get the right people on board Never lose faith – We will prevail Great leaders channel their egos away from themselves Ambition is first and foremost Set people up or success Great leaders apportion credit to factors besides themselves Great leaders have a workmanlike approach Incentives are good, but for very different reasons Incentives get the right people on the bus When you know someone is not right, act now.( don’t give chances) Letting the wrong people hang around is unfair on right people Put the best people on…

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