
Australia Day Celebrations – Woodside Style

Australia Day Celebrations (Woodside Style) Congratulations to Karate Sensei Gary Finch who received an award for his work in the community and his stance against domestic violence against women. A great role model for our boys. I was so tempted to yell out a “C’mon Power!” straight after the national anthem like we will at the 2015 AFL Grand Final:-) Was getting worried when I thought we had to sing the 2nd verse of the Australian National Anthem.

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How Aussie are you? . . .Take the test here

Are you a TRUE BLUE, DINKY-DI AUSSIE? How many Aussie traits below do you have? When at the beach you put your keys/ phone inside your shoe and hide it under your towel and think no one will find them. Before starting a fist fight you ask a question like ” do ya wanna go??” You wipe your dirty knife back in the margarine after spreading toast You lick the underside of the lid on your cornetto You put salt and pepper on your meals before you work out whether…

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