Good to Great – Jim Collins
Get the right people on board
Never lose faith – We will prevail
Great leaders channel their egos away from themselves
Ambition is first and foremost
Set people up or success
Great leaders apportion credit to factors besides themselves
Great leaders have a workmanlike approach
Incentives are good, but for very different reasons
Incentives get the right people on the bus
When you know someone is not right, act now.( don’t give chances)
Letting the wrong people hang around is unfair on right people
Put the best people on the best opportunities
If you create a place where the best people always have a seat on the bus, they are more likely to support changes in direction.
The right people are our most important asset
‘Who’ questions come before ‘what’ questions, before vision, strategy and structure.
The right person has character traits and capabilities, than with skills, knowledge,or background.